33 Illustrations for La Révolte des Machines ou La Pensée Déchaînée de Frans Masereel

Frans Masereel's striking illustrations for “La Révolte des Machines ou La Pensée Déchaînée” have long been celebrated for their ability to convey the complexities of human existence. In this series of prints, we reimagine Masereel's vision, leveraging the power of machine learning models to generate new images that evoke the spirit of his work. These pieces not only pay homage to the original illustrations but also explore the profound themes of societal upheaval, technological evolution, and the relentless pursuit of autonomy.

As you traverse this series of large prints, you are transported to a future where machines, AI, and art converge in astonishing harmony. "La Révolte des Machines ou La Pensée Déchaînée de Frans Masereel" invites you to contemplate the ever-changing relationship between humans and technology, urging us to reflect on the consequences of our relentless pursuit of progress.

"La Révolte des Machines ou La Pensée Déchaînée de Frans Masereel" is not merely an exhibition; it is a testament to the limitless possibilities that arise when art and technology join forces. We invite you to immerse yourself in this captivating fusion of past and future, human and machine, and to ponder the profound questions it raises about our role in the evolving narrative of technology. As we look back to Masereel's time and forward to the future, we realise that the true revolt is not of the machines, but of our own creativity and capacity to shape the world around us.

Inkjet prints on Tyvek, 150cm x 91cm.
Collection of various private owners.

Shown at:
  • La Révolte des Machines ou La Pensée Déchaînée de Frans Masereel in S&S Galerie, Borgerhout, Belgium, 2023.
  • AI as an Agent of Change in KVAB - Paleis der Academiën, Brussel, Belgium, 2023.
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