The Beast of Jersey

A huge wooden crate produces a loud thumping noise. Two large chicken feet on metal rods pound in and out of the crate, as if trying to snatch a passer-by. The work is inspired by Serial Killer Edward Paisnel.

Wood, electric motor, metal, chicken feet, 140cm x 30cm x 80cm.
Property of the artist.

Shown at:
  • Belgium's Most Bizarre Artist in Ruimte Morguen, Antwerpen, Belgium, 1989.
  • Ver.I.O. in Ver.I.O., Maastricht, Netherlands, 1990.
  • Dante's Inferno in Fort Asperen, Asperen, Netherlands, 1999.
  • Pop-Eye in Oude Gevangenis, Hasselt, Belgium, 2008.
  • Vision in Motion - Motion in Vision in Verbeke Foundation, Kemzeke, Belgium, 2008.
  • The State of Things in Paleis voor Schone Kunsten, Brussel, Belgium, 2009.
  • Stille Kracht in De Warande, Turnhout, Belgium, 2014.
  • Crime in Art in Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow, Kraków, Poland, 2014.
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